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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Heaven Sent!

As I'm getting all cozy in bed, getting ready to go nite-nite, a new bag design popped into my head! I could only see the side view, but all at once, I just knew exactly how to make this bag and what it should look like. I actually saw it, fully made. I didn't quite get the fabric down though. Now, I didn't immediately get up and sketch it (like I should have); instead I went soundly to sleep. So I get up this a.m., full of energy and vigor, ready to begin the day... then it hit me! The new design. So I sketched it out and I think maybe I've got it!!! Today, I will experiment! I've got to go through my fabric stash and see if the fabric from my brain image is there!!

Does this ever happen to you? The feeling that an idea was sent to you from above? It seems to happen to me often. As a matter of fact, my brand name (dailybread Market) came to me after much thoughtful prayer. I am thankful to God for His many blessings!


Tizzalicious said...

I get that too yes! :D Sometimes it doesn't work out at all though, like, it's in my head, but it won't come out!

kathijane said...

tizzalicious, yes, I know what you mean... I always end up somewhat disappointed when it doesn't work out like the vision...

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